Purchase SQL Importer

SQL Importer Pro is available in annual license keys.
Have pre-sales questions? Please reach out to us.

Short Term
30 Days, 1 User

30-Day Pro license key. Great for short-term use cases.

  • icon30 Day Pro License
  • icon1 User
  • iconNo record size caps.
  • iconNo caps on number of files.
  • iconFree Updates
Purchase ($25)
1 Year - Professional
1 Year / Per User

One-year Pro license key(s) priced for 1 to 4 users.

  • icon1 Year Pro License
  • iconPriced for 1 to 4 Users
  • iconNo record size caps.
  • iconNo caps on number of files.
  • iconFree Updates

Purchase ($99)
1 Year - Corporate
1 Year / Per User

One-year Pro license keys priced for 5 or more users.

  • icon1 Year Pro License
  • iconPriced for 5+ Users
  • iconNo record size caps.
  • iconNo caps on number of files.
  • iconFree Updates

Purchase ($445)

How It Works

Purchase a Pro license for a Cullinet product.


1. Choose your plan.

Plans are subscription based meaning they do expire. They will not renew automatically.


2. Complete Payment

Complete your payment through checkout or with PayPal®. Payment is quick and secure.


3. Get your license key

Your license key will appear in your account after payment. Copy and paste it into the software and you're all set!